In the bookstore, you'll find a number of textbooks for various classes during the designated term. Located in the lower level of the business block, our business hours are Monday through Thursday 9 am to 5 pm, and on Frid9 am 9 am to 1 pm. The Campus Bookstore also offers an extensive range of item and services.


Our services include Book-binding, laminating, photocopying and printing.


You'll find in store textbooks for various courses. We also offer a selection of primary and secondary school books, inspirational books and novels as well. Occasionally, some books may be on sale. Be sure to check occasionally.

Stationery items and supplies

We are confident most of your stationery needs can be filled right on the campus. You can purchase general stationery items such as pens, writing pads, markers, gift items and more. Also available is a number of accessories such as computer bags, speakers, mouse.

Personal Items

The bookstore also offers for sale a number of personal care items such as razors, sanitary supplies and more.

Bookstore contact information

Tel: 1-868-696-4406/4184

Fax: 1-868-696-4184
